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Our advantages

Excellent Service:

Our service team ensure our customers receive a dedicated service in each link of inquiry, ordering, transportation and after-sales.

Quality Control:

In production, we select high-quality particles. In testing, we have a full range of testing equipment and strict testing system, to maintain our high quality standard.

Professional R & D:

Our professional R&D team, with 20 years experiences in PC storage industry. We work closely with our customers, provide flexible, reliable and efficient one-stop OEM & ODM solutions.

Fast Dispatch:

Most of the products are in stock. Low quantity orders can be dispatched immediately. For large quantity orders, we work according to our customers requirements, try our best to shorten the lead time.

SATA 3.0 Solid State Drives

Saichi SSDs offer instant-load performance, meaning faster boot times, faster application loading times, and better system responsiveness.

128G / 256GB/ 512GB/ 1TB/2TB/4TB/optional

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Why work with us

Sychw has been established for over 20 years. We focus on designing, developing, manufacturing, and selling memory ram and SSD products. Over 20 years, We insist on using reliable raw materials to maintain our high quality standard. Our products are widely recognized and trusted by users. We operate our own brand Saichi, and we do offer flexible, reliable and efficient one-stop OEM&ODM solutions for our customers. Please contact us now for more details.

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One Stop OEM&ODM


One Stop OEM&ODM


One Stop OEM&ODM

Computer Memory(RAM)

Computer random access memory (RAM) is one of the most important components in determining your system’s performance. RAM gives applications a place to store and access data on a short-term basis.

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